

67 Uppsatser om Teun van Dijk - Sida 1 av 5

Göteborgs-Posten och Sydasien ? konflikten på Sri Lanka

 Syfte: Det generella syftet med denna studie har varit att nå en kvalitativ reflektion angående skillnader i framställning av en konflikt i två mycket skilda publikationer med mycket olika ekonomiska förutsättningar under två tidsperioder. Material från dagstidningen Göteborgs-Posten och tidskriften Sydasien är analyserade för att undersöka dessa skrifters behandling av konflikten på Sri Lanka under 1983 och 1998/1999.Teori: Diskursteori utifrån Norman Fairclough och Teun van Dijk. Sociologisk teori utifrån Pierre Bourdieu, genom begreppen angående produktionen av tro, kapital och fält som han arbetat fram.Metod: Kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) utifrån Faircloughs tredimensionella modell: text-diskursiv praktik-social praktik.Resultat: Genom den kritiska diskursanalysen nåddes en djupare bild av olika dimensioner i den problematik som framställning av ett komplicerat skeende som konflikten på Sri Lanka tillhör. Det korta svaret är att - ja ? tidskriften Sydasien ger totalt sett en djupare, mer mångfacetterad och bredare bild av konflikten än Göteborgs-Posten.

Upprepas historien nu? : En kritisk diskursanalys av DN:s och SvD:s rapportering kring Skånepolisens registrering av romer september 2013

This thesis aims to examine and critically revise the language in two of Sweden ?s major newspapers Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), regarding the reporting of the police department of Skånes registration of the Swedish Romani minority. The research method used is qualitative text analysis based on Teun van Dijks model for critical discourse analysis of news discourse. The material examined contains of four articles published the last week of September 2013. This thesis has a critical perspective based on the notion that the media influence the public?s opinion about certain themes, and strives to contribute to the field of research about how the Romani minority is being portrayed in the Swedish press.Previous research of the representation of ethnic minorities in the media has shown that ethnic minorities usually are represented in contexts of criminality or social problems.

"Tjatsex är inte våldtäkt" : Våldtäktsrapportering i förändring

Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa hur tre gruppvåldtäkter i Stockholm skildrats i Aftonbladet. Fallen vi valt att studera närmare är Rissnefallet 2000, Stureplansvåldtäkten 2007 samt Tenstafallet 2013. De frågor som ligger till grund för vår undersökning är: Vilka får uttala sig? Hur framställs offer och gärningsmän? Finns det några skillnader och likheter i rapporteringen av fallen? Vi har också valt att undersöka hur journalisterna förhåller sig till de pressetiska reglerna. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vi valt att använda oss av en textanalys med kvalitativ ansats.

Det afghanska valet i svensk media : En diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om parlamentsvalet 2010

Den här uppsatsen analyserar svensk medias rapportering om valet i Afghanistan 2010. Med hjälp av metoder framtagna av Van Dijk har en analys av artiklar som berör valet 2010 gjorts. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är postkolonialism och orientalism. Med hjälp av de perspektiven och Van Dijks medieanalys analyseras materialet för att tydliggöra strukturer i media..

Bevisbedömning vid likgiltighetsuppsåt

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Tolkning av testamente

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Känsliga kvinnor & drivna män : En genusinriktad studie av Aftonbladets och TT Spektras Melodifestivalbevakning 2011

Medier är i dag en stor informationskälla. Därmed är medierna också medskapare av verkligheten, inklusive genus - även kallat socialt kön. I denna uppsats analyserar jag 19 artiklar med bilder från Aftonbladet och TT Spektra. Ämnet är den svenska musiktävlingen Melodifestivalen och artiklarna handlar om både kvinnor och män i liknande situationer. Texterna kan tänkas ha lockat många läsare, eftersom tv-programmet Melodifestivalen har höga tittarsiffror.Uppsatsens primära syfte är att undersöka hur TT Spektra och Aftonbladet konstruerar genus, i sin bevakning av Melodifestivalen 2011.

Innovationsupphandling : innovationspartnerskapets tillämpningsområde

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Är 40 kap. 11 § IL förenlig med EU-rätten? : en analys av beloppsspärren

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Falska erkännanden : ur ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Juridiska styrmedel för giftfria och resurseffektiva materialkretslopp

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

När verkligheten och juridiken möts : om åberopsbördan vid generalklausulslagstiftning

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Sveriges fri- och rättighetsskydd och ideellt skadestånd : regeringsformen vs Europakonventionen

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Sekundära utnyttjanden av TV-sändningar : och begreppet överföring till allmänheten

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Tvingande allmänna folkrättsnormer (jus cogens) : i allmänhet och särskilt om traktater

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

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